Our Horses & Donkeys
Our horses and donkeys are with us for a variety of reasons and in most cases, will remain with us for the rest of their days. They have a lovely carefree life with a dedicated team to look after their every need.
Our Herd
Horses were always a passion of Mr Bryson (our founder)and this is where the Shelter started, so we feel very strongly that this is something we need to continue.
It was Mr Brysons belief that having a donkey or mule would bring the Shelter good luck, so after the death of Jonty, our mule, we always said that we would actively look for a new good luck charm. We went a full year or more before we received a call from the British Horse Society asking if we could possibly help with 2 donkeys that were a serious welfare concern. We jumped at the chance of helping, but little did we realise what we were letting ourselves in for. We had been looking to take one donkey, but were very happy to take two, although we certainly never expected to end up with three!

Meet Our Herd

Breed: Donkey, Mare
Age: 11 Years
Rhubarb was desperately thin on arrival and very untrusting. Her blood results from her health check showed she was in a bad way, although our vet correctly thought that it was due to malnutrition and the correct diet would make a huge difference. I’m pleased to say he was right. From her micro-chip we found that she had originated from Holland, so she has been well travelled!

Breed: Donkey, Mare
Age: Approx. 20 Years Old
This lady gave us quite a surprise when, after putting on a significant amount of weight, we realised she was in foal. We spent many weeks wondering when our new addition would arrive as we had no idea when she was due. This pretty girl is loving life with us, but she does have the unfortunate habit of head butting you and she is very good at it!

Breed: Donkey, Gelding
Age: 3 Years
Our unexpected surprise, to say the very least. From a few days old he was galloping around the field at high speed, being very cheeky, but looking cute with it. Not a lot has changed in the last 3 years, he is just bigger and naughtier.

Breed: Thoroughbred, Mare
Age: Approx. 25 Years Old
Our gorgeous Kendal has a lovely temperament and loves to be brushed. She came to us as she had a tendon injury to her hind leg and was unable to be ridden. Our vet asked us to take her as, due to her injury, her owners were going to have her put down and he didn’t want that to happen, she was only 8 years old.

Breed: Pony, Mare
Age: 30 Years Old
Rhiannon originally came in as a foal and was re-homed with another foal called Tomas. They were returned to the Shelter 15 years later when their owners emigrated. Rhiannon is a quiet, shy pony and another one that is prone to laminitis.

Breed: Horse, Gelding
Age: 23 Years
Charlie came to us with a shoulder injury, which caused him to stumble so he was unsafe to be ridden. Although only very young when he joined us, he settled into retirement and does try to stay away from the hooligans.

Breed: Horse, Gelding
Age: 18 Years
Our newest addition, who arrived early 2020. He was originally bought as a showjumper, but he has not been ridden for the last 10 years. He has obviously been a real pet in his previous home, he loves to follow you around like a dog and he is a big softie, although the other horses might not agree.

Breed: Pony, Mare
Age: 21 Years
Dinky was previously used as a jumping pony, but due to ongoing lameness she was brought to us to retire. She is quite a feisty madam who loves her food a bit too much.

Breed: Horse, Gelding
Age: 17 Years
Harvey had obviously been broken when very young and then used for jumping, so unsurprisingly he developed an intermittent lameness. We took him on the day he was due to be put down, so he has been a very lucky chap. He is still regularly lame, but we manage this with pain control and he does have a good quality of life. He is quite a character and very good at opening gates!

Breed: Horse, Gelding
Age: 25 Years
Minstrel came into the shelter with his son Jasper after the death of his owner. He had been used for driving and had been very much loved. Minstrel is a quiet, gentle soul who has just slotted into our herd, if only they were all that easy.

Breed: Horse, Gelding
Age: 20 Years
Jasper arrived with his father Minstrel, after the death of his owner and what a very different character he is. Jasper is the bossy one, especially if there is any food around. Get his way and you will be flattened, don’t open his stable door in time and he will try to go straight through it. He certainly keeps us on our toes.

Breed: Horse, Mare
Age: 25-30 Years
Wanda was found one evening In December 2019 straying at the front of our stables. She was wearing a rug and we presumed that she had escaped from a nearby field, but she was never claimed. We have to assume that she had been abandoned and as she just wandered in, it seemed logical to call her 'Wanda'. A lovely older lady who loves coming into her stable at night, we have all totally fallen for her and we are pleased she came to us.
What It Takes To Care For Our Herd
A dedicated team to muck out stables, feed and care for them
Hard feed, hay and haylage
Straw and shavings for bedding
Regular worming
Hooves trimmed regularly by our farrier
Regular health checks by our vet
Medication for those with problems
Annual dental checks by an equine dentist